Top food publications

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My boyfriend doesn't eat fruits and vegetables, should he take vitamins?

24-year-old woman
a year ago
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19 hours
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I have tightness, cravings and milk flow, etc. since the chances of getting pregnant are slim, what could it be?

24-year-old woman
a year ago
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21 hours
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Ph disorder, vaginitis, pregnant 3rd trimester. Can I use probiotic capsules or a 3 day canine treatment? Thank you

30-year-old woman
a year ago
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16 hours
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What can I do to make the feeling go away

22-year-old woman
a year ago
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16 hours
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It's been 3 days since my 6 month old baby has pooped. Should I be worried?

31-year-old woman
a year ago
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17 hours
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I was wondering if it was necessary to have a prescription to obtain a medication

18-year-old woman
a year ago
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21 hours
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Should I consult tomorrow or wait, is it normal to have 3 episodes of fever in such a short time? Thank you

37-year-old woman
a year ago
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4 hours
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Are there alternatives that we can eat or drink when we have sugar cravings to satisfy that craving?

21-year-old woman
a year ago
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17 hours
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I work a rotating schedule (day, evening, night). Are there any supplements I can take to help me sleep well?

25-year-old man
a year ago
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a day
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Are there any medications, vitamins or natural products to help with fertility?

25-year-old woman
a year ago
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a day
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