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How do you treat residual flu symptoms (cough, nasal congestion) when taking Venlafaxine?

32-year-old woman
2 years ago
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15 hours
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My 4 year old son has pimples on his thighs in the form of a red bump with a white spot in the center?

27-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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I have a burning sensation at the entrance to my vagina. It seems to be swollen and white on one side?

19-year-old woman
2 years ago
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8 days
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What could it be? There is no way I could be pregnant

17-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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I wonder if you could help me identify the button I could show a picture

34-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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Can I keep this to myself? Do I have to tell the partner at the first appointment? If he has a relationship with condoms... even if I don't push?

36-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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How can I reduce it? I'd like to have less of it and no matter what shampoo I use, I do.

23-year-old man
2 years ago
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5 days
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Can I use a water-based lubricant if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

25-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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I take Mestinon for chronic fatigue and low blood pressure but it does the opposite at the moment, is it possible at the beginning of the treatment?

39-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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What can I do to help my 7 month old coconut's cough? For the eyes, is there anything I can do to help them?

29-year-old woman
2 years ago
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8 days
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