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Zoloft 200 mg: fear of taking Abilify on the side. Do we know why some people don't gain any insight into their illness, especially in paranoid schizophrenia?

39-year-old woman
2 years ago
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Do I need to see my doctor for a herpes rash or can my pharmacist prescribe?

39-year-old woman
2 years ago
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2 days
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I wonder if this is normal or I have an infection? And how to reduce the smell..thanks!

27-year-old woman
2 years ago
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During my last sexual intercourse the condom broke, what should I do?

15-year-old woman
2 years ago
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8 days
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I have a "bump? On my scalp and I want to have it removed. I don't know where to make an appointment.

25-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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My 3.5 year old has had a stomach ache since, no more vomiting or diarrhea. How can I help her?

34-year-old woman
2 years ago
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What should I do? I am mixed between; growing teeth, intolerances, gastro?

29-year-old woman
2 years ago
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Is it true that Sertraline can cause weight gain? I am taking 100mg a day and I am hesitant to continue the medication because of this.

28-year-old woman
2 years ago
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8 days
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How can I get a prescription for orthotics that will be covered by my insurance?

31-year-old woman
2 years ago
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8 days
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Is it normal that my ears are not unplugged?

49-year-old woman
2 years ago
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7 days
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