I take Mestinon for chronic fatigue and low blood pressure but it does the opposite at the moment, is it possible at the beginning of the treatment?

40-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I have been taking mestinon for 3 weeks. A very small dose, 15 mg. I was prescribed it to reduce chronic fatigue and improve orthostatic hypotension. However, since I've been taking it, I'm more tired than ever and my blood pressure is even lower...Is it possible that it has the opposite effect at the beginning of the treatment? Thank you
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7 days

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello ma'am, yes it is possible, have you discussed this with your pharmacist?
40-year-old woman · a year ago
Hello, no I didn't talk to my pharmacist about it, I was wondering if it was normal because it seemed paradoxical. Do you know how long it can take before it gives energy rather than fatigue? Is it like an antidepressant of sorts, i.e. should we leave it for 6-8 weeks before deciding whether to continue it or stop it? I have a very very small dose (1/4) per day. Thank you
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information, please forgive the late response!
Drowsiness is not reported by the manufacturer, but it is not impossible.
Often the side effects associated with this medication can be temporary, you can get a good idea of this after 2 weeks of treatment or 2 weeks after a dose change.
If you suspect that the medication is the cause, I suggest discussing it with your pharmacist who can customize a plan and if necessary suggest alternatives to your doctor, while following up closely with you.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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