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After how long should I change my birth control pill?

20-year-old woman
4 years ago
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My 11 day old baby has been crying intensely for 2 nights and has gas. Can I give Homeocan Children 0-9 homeopathic medicine?

27-year-old woman
4 years ago
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Will mixing pot with throat/cold syrup cause an adverse reaction?

25-year-old woman
4 years ago
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15 hours
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What can I give my 9 month old son with an ear infection replacement?

23-year-old woman
4 years ago
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21 minutes
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What should I do to clean my 8 week old baby's nose daily to remove boogers?

32-year-old woman
4 years ago
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21 hours
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Hello, is the result of the fat test reliable 1 month after the risk intercourse? Is the technique of withdrawal and taking reliable?

17-year-old woman
4 years ago
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I have a left ear that has been operated on. Today, I have a little pain but it seems that my ear is blocked too. What can I do?

28-year-old man
4 years ago
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Can I be pregnant even if I was in my week?

16-year-old woman
4 years ago
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I have patches and blisters all over my body that itch. I was vaccinated against the flu on December 2nd. Can this be caused by that?

32-year-old woman
4 years ago
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19 hours
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Hi, I’m 8 weeks pregnant. And sometimes I have vaginal discharge that is pinkish

36-year-old woman
4 years ago
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2 hours
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