Hello, is the result of the fat test reliable 1 month after the risk intercourse? Is the technique of withdrawal and taking reliable?

19-year-old woman4 years ago
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Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
The test is indeed reliable 1 month after unprotected sex. It takes nearly 60 to 70 days after intercourse to have a decrease in the pregnancy hormone in the blood measured by the pregnancy tests. As for the withdrawal technique, unfortunately it is not a reliable method. For example, there is a 27% chance of getting pregnant using this method on a regular basis, within a year. Not only do you have to make sure that your partner withdraws before ejaculation, but there is also a risk that at the beginning of the intimate relationship, the man's seminal fluid may carry sperm that was present in the urethra, for example following a previous ejaculation. Taking a hormonal contraceptive (or hormone-free contraceptive such as the copper IUD) is more effective for prevention. Wearing a condom can also be an alternative if you don't want to take a contraceptive.
I hope I've answered your question.
Maeva Di-Ré, Pharmacy Student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist

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