I have a left ear that has been operated on. Today, I have a little pain but it seems that my ear is blocked too. What can I do?

30 -year-old man4 years ago
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
What type of surgery have you had and how long has it been since you had this surgery?
Do you have any other symptoms (e.g., fever, dizziness...)?
Aside from the surgery, would there be anything recent since yesterday that could explain these symptoms (water in the ear, blow to the ear, etc.)?
30 -year-old man · 4 years ago
I had surgery on my left ear when I was 7 years old . I think it's a tube in my ears .
no I haven't really had any symptoms since.
I think it would be water in my ears .
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
If you have had water in your ear, it could be an ear infection. There are two possibilities.
The first: if you still have your tubes in your ears, it could be an internal otitis. This would explain the presence of fluid in the ear. In this case, I would recommend seeing a doctor to get an antibiotic by mouth (or special prescription-only drops).
If you no longer have your tubes, it could be an otitis externa, known as bather's otitis. Normally, pain is felt by pulling on the earlobe or pressing lightly against the inside of your ear. If the pain persists for more than 2-3 days, you may want to go to a pharmacy to get antibiotic ear drops (polysporin). This is an over-the-counter medication, but you must ask for it at the prescription counter of the pharmacy. Polysporin drops are only effective for external ear infections and not for internal ear infections (if you have your tubes).
Don't hesitate if you have any questions!
Jonathan Fournier, pharmacy student, under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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