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Can I start the Etioring birth control ring at any time during my cycle if I don't have sex within a week?

21-year-old woman
2 years ago
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4 hours
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I am not pregnant, I do not smoke, I vomited 6 hours ago, what to do after with stomach ache and pain?

29-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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I was vaccinated against chicken pox as a child. Do I need to be vaccinated again now that I am an adult (23 years old).

23-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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Is Tylenol/Advil given according to the child's weight or age?

39-year-old woman
2 years ago
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42 minutes
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I have a first outbreak of herpes and I can't get to a doctor. Are there any complications if I don't take the medication?

34-year-old woman
2 years ago
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29 minutes
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Which lubricant does not cause irritation or burning?

20-year-old woman
2 years ago
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18 hours
Response time

What should I do? Took two Xaralto tablets 20mg each. One at 7pm and one at 10:30pm. What should I do?

86-year-old woman
2 years ago
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a day
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I have sweats every night, what can I do to reduce or stop them?

20-year-old woman
2 years ago
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17 hours
Response time

Can I take a DIFLUCAN pill with my antibiotics which are apo-cefadroxil?

30-year-old woman
2 years ago
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6 hours
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Is there anything I can do to prevent an infection or to help the healing process?

21-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
Response time