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I have just returned from a trip and I have a lack of energy, nausea and vomiting?

33-year-old woman
2 years ago
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21 hours
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What can I do to heal this swollen, red "pimple" with pu?

34-year-old woman
2 years ago
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21 hours
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Occasional pain under the left rib that comes on suddenly, short duration, low average pain. It has been at least 2-3 weeks?

29-year-old woman
2 years ago
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21 hours
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is there a way i could be prescribed an antibiotic for this situation? I have previously gotten it and pretty sure i've the same condition again

22-year-old woman
2 years ago
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a day
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I've been throwing up since Saturday and I can't keep anything down?

21-year-old woman
2 years ago
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20 hours
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What over the counter medications can you recommend to relieve heartburn please?

21-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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Is it possible that it's a fungus? or eczema? but it doesn't sting. I wish I could finally do something about it!

23-year-old woman
2 years ago
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17 hours
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I was wondering if I should go to a doctor to be sure or just put some ice on it and not lean on it?

20-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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Should I use distilled or demineralized water for baby formula?

24-year-old man
2 years ago
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16 hours
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Should I stop taking my pill now (I have 11 left) and start again in 7 days? What are the risks, if not what to do?

20-year-old woman
2 years ago
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17 hours
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