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Can I get pregnant with a copper IUD if I had unprotected sex 4 days before ovulation?

18-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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What solutions or treatments are there to treat and relieve hemorrhoids?

55-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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I have hemorrhoids, what can I do to help them heal quickly?

55-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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How come I tested positive when it was almost 0 6 days ago?

28-year-old woman
2 years ago
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4 hours
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Should I be concerned that she is sleeping less than 12 hours a day total over 24 hours?

28-year-old woman
2 years ago
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16 hours
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Is this a sign that it is contagious? Or normal after the fever (wet hair at night because of the fever) Thank you very much

31-year-old woman
2 years ago
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an hour
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I would like to know if it will last for a long time, if the heat will persist for several months

74-year-old woman
2 years ago
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19 hours
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What can I apply to my lesions on my fingers and feet? I know there is no treatment for the virus.

28-year-old woman
2 years ago
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19 hours
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Is it good or recommended to give vitamins and probiotics in a jar to a 4 year old? I already give vitamin D in drops.

34-year-old woman
2 years ago
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21 hours
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Do I need to see a doctor or do I just keep cleaning and the discharge should go away? There is no real foul smell

27-year-old woman
2 years ago
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21 hours
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