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What can be done about it? He is really hurting when he has a bowel movement. He poops once every two days.

30-year-old woman
3 years ago
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13 hours
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I got hit in the head playing soccer?

20-year-old woman
3 years ago
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16 hours
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Can I take Tylenol Arthritis Pain if I am breastfeeding?

30-year-old woman
3 years ago
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43 minutes
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I have a rash on my stomach?

26-year-old woman
3 years ago
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a day
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Can acetazolamide cause a buzzing sensation in my face and hands?

24-year-old woman
3 years ago
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4 hours
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Do you think we should consult? Are there any infections?

37-year-old woman
3 years ago
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5 hours
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How can I clean the wounds well and help them heal? What can I use?

25-year-old woman
3 years ago
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8 hours
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Is the vaccine related to the delay? Do I have a reason to be concerned?

30-year-old woman
3 years ago
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14 hours
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So I was wondering if there was anything to worry about... should I stop my pill to stop the bleeding?

29-year-old woman
3 years ago
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20 hours
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I have difficulty breathing since my vaccination?

19-year-old woman
3 years ago
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a day
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