So I was wondering if there was anything to worry about... should I stop my pill to stop the bleeding?

31-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have had my period since August 2nd, so it will soon be 1 month. Is it normal knowing that my cycles have always been 1 week maximum? I gave birth to my second pregnancy on April 23. I had postpartum bleeding that lasted a few weeks and it stopped! I had a normal menstrual cycle. Then I started the pill (seasonnic) that I was using before my two pregnancies. I was supposed to get my period after only 3 months but it started in the middle of the pack. At first I thought that it was probably normal due to my body having to adapt to close cycles again after two close pregnancies but after 1 month of menstruation, it's starting to worry me and especially to annoy me. I also find that my hormones play on my behavior (more irritable with my spouse, no sexual desire... it creates tensions). I'm seeing my doctor next week but I'd take a chance to have a version before :) Thanks
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20 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
It is possible that after a pregnancy, the body responds differently to the same hormones that you were taking before the pregnancy. Also, it may take 3 months before your cycles become regular with a contraceptive. During these 3 months, it is possible to have spotting, irregular and unpredictable bleeding, mood swings, etc. However, since it has been 1 month that it persists, 2 solutions are possible
  1. Continue the contraceptive trial for another month. If the symptoms are still present after this period, consider changing the contraceptive
  2. Change the contraceptive immediately (see your doctor next week)
So, in my opinion, these are the 2 possible solutions to your problem right now.
I hope this answers your question
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte, pharmacist

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