What can be done about it? He is really hurting when he has a bowel movement. He poops once every two days.

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, for the last month my 11 month old baby has been taking formula, knowing that before he was only taking breast milk. Since he started the formula he is constipated and his stools are cement green. We have changed the milk twice but there has been no improvement. Before it was infamil and now he is getting a good start.
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13 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
You could start by increasing his water intake, either by offering it more often or by diluting his milk a bit more to force him to drink more to get full.
It would also be interesting to add prunes to his diet.
If that doesn't work, you can use Lax A Day, it's a safe product even at his age, and available over the counter at the pharmacy. They will be able to calculate the dose at your pharmacy based on his weight.
Happy evening!

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