I spilled my ankle and didn't take care of it (ice only). I still have pain. What should I do?

26-year-old woman4 years ago
It has been a week already. Two/three days after the event I was putting ice. Voltarin every night for a week. However, I did not restrict myself in my activities (work and a big day of shopping two days after the incident). Today, I can move around without too much pain, but I am uncomfortable and certain positions of my foot hurt. I feel like my foot should crack to get relief ???? Should I go for a consultation or are there exercises that would help me?
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12 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
You should consult, yes, but not a doctor. Instead, I recommend that you see a physical therapist. He or she will be able to examine your ankle and most importantly provide you with the most appropriate exercises based on your current symptoms and his or her analysis. With this type of consultation, you should improve your comfort quickly.
Waiting for the consultation, I recommend that you continue the application of Voltaren™, but put heat rather than ice (to make the muscles more flexible).
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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