Do you recommend magnesium to reduce and control the small uncontrollable spasms in my thigh due to stress/fatigue?

26-year-old woman3 years ago
I have tried sustained stretching but it is without success.
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Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
In general, if one is not deficient in magnesium (seen in blood tests), supplementation is generally not necessary. In fact, the data in the literature is conflicting on the use of magnesium for muscle cramps and spasms in non-deficient individuals. I suggest you discuss this at your next medical appointment with your doctor.
For cramps and spasms, I suggest you:
  • be well hydrated (drink small amounts of water often especially before, during and after physical activity);
  • warm up well;
  • press on the sore muscle, do gentle stretching motions and hold it 30 seconds and repeat 3 times;
  • you can also massage the muscle with menthol or other creams that can be found over the counter
  • progress gradually in a sport (when the effort is excessive, the muscles "protect themselves" by contracting)
You can also try a muscle relaxant the "Robax" found over the counter. Be careful, this medication can make you sleepy, it is recommended to take it at bedtime. Also, Robax Platinum contains ibuprofen and Robax Acet contains acetaminophen, this medication should not be combined with Tylenol or Advil respectively.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions.
Happy day,
Kamilia Idir, Pharmacy Intern. Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist.

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