I suffer from chronic insomnia. Taking Melatonin has not been beneficial in my case. What are the possible alternatives?

73-year-old woman6 years ago
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4 hours

73-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Chronic insomnia. Melatonin already used without much success. Difficulty falling asleep or waking up too early.
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
There are many prescription drugs that are not addictive. I would discuss this with your family doctor if you have one. The molecules that seem to work well with good tolerance are: trazodone, quetiapine, mirtazapine, zopiclone. There is a class called benzodiazepines that I would use as a last resort because they can cause long-term dependence.
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
While waiting to see your doctor, you can buy diphenhydramine at an over-the-counter store. It can help you in the short term but it is not a long-term solution because the molecule loses its effectiveness. You can ask your pharmacist for it.
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
Try to have a consistent routine of when you go to bed, try reading or doing other activities besides watching TV before bed
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
Good luck
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
Jean-Victor Montpellier
Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier · 6 years ago
*on sale over the counter

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Answered by

Jean-Victor Fournel Montpellier
Pharmacien dépanneur un peu partout au Québec, voyageur dans l'âme, ayant l'écoute du patient au centre de sa pratique.

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