What can I do to remedy the situation, do I need to see a doctor as soon as possible?

37-year-old woman2 years ago
I went to the gym and I did some weight training (abductor machine and I didn't stretch post workout), I felt pain at the same time in my bilateral thighs in the form of burning and since then I tried everything ice application vs heat, I put tiger balm and salon not, the pain started on July 13, 2021 and today is November 4, 2021, I even tried to get an appointment to see a md, but I couldn't get an appointment at the walk-in, note I also took tylenol, thanks do you think I have tendonitis?, I forgot to mention that the pain always radiated in the form of rustling to my knees, ankles, calves, buttocks, pubic area and I noticed when I'm in a lying position (on my side) it hurts when I'm lying on the side of my thigh and my knees burn, thank you for helping me
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16 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 2 years ago
Since your pain has been going on for several months now, it would be important to seek physical therapy. Indeed, in your case, a physical therapist will be much more helpful than a doctor, especially in the long run. The physiotherapist will be able to diagnose the problem and help you reduce the symptoms. He/she will also be able to advise you on certain exercises and adapt your workouts according to the diagnosis so as not to aggravate the injury! The sooner you seek physical therapy, the better the chances of recovery.
In the meantime, you could try Advil instead of Tylenol (or the combination with Tylenol) if you have no contraindications. Advil has additional anti-inflammatory action in addition to helping with pain. An anti-inflammatory gel such as Voltaren may also provide relief while you wait for your appointment. However, it's one or the other when it comes to Advil and Voltaren 😊 They should not be taken together.
I also recommend limiting movements and exercises that cause pain.
Hopefully this gives you some guidance!
Véronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist)

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