What is the best sleep medication that does not interact with Zoloft, Ativan and Xarelto?

30-year-old woman6 years ago
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17 hours

30-year-old woman · 6 years ago
chronic insomnia
Stéphane Villeneuve · 6 years ago
Hello Mrs,
Insomnia is an often episodic problem that should be avoided chronically with medication. Several means have been proven effective in treating insomnia episodes and reducing their frequency. In fact, mindfulness (a type of meditation) is emerging more and more in studies as an effective way to counter this often very inconvenient health problem. Several applications on smart phones exist such as HeadSpace or Petit BamBou, to name a few. The website Passeportsante.net also offers several guided meditations, as does the website of the Faculty of Medicine of the UdeM (https://goo.gl/TCbdRN). Even the popular website Youtube.com offers several free courses.
Physical activity, diet and sleep hygiene are all aspects that must be worked on so that insomnia is no longer a burden. The Sleep Foundation (https://goo.gl/eWRkjx) offers a number of tips to apply on a daily basis.
Stéphane Villeneuve · 6 years ago
ERRATUM: You should read "[...] that should be avoided chronically*" and "to name a few*."
Stéphane Villeneuve · 6 years ago
In terms of drug treatments, it will be important to discuss the situation with your family doctor, since we are trying to avoid duplicating medications that put you to sleep. The Ativan you are taking should only be used occasionally, as one can quickly become accustomed to the medication and develop a physical or psychological dependence. Your doctor will probably want to work on non-pharmacological measures to treat insomnia rather than prescribing another medication "on top" of Ativan. Such an addition could be risky in the long run.
I encourage you to discuss your situation with your family doctor so that together you can find a safe solution to your insomnia problem. In the meantime, I invite you to implement some of the strategies suggested above to avoid having to take an additional medication.
I hope that I have answered your question clearly,
Stéphane Villeneuve, pharmacist

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