Can I combine the patch with the vaporizer?

37-year-old woman3 years ago
I quit smoking, I don't take any medication, have no allergies, I used to smoke an average of 10-15 cigs a day (5-6 in weeks, up to a full pack on Saturday night) my plan: nicoderm patch step 2 (14mg/day) combined with a vapoteuse (20mg/ml) that I use sporadically, is it a good nicotine dosage?
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11 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hi, thanks for your question! And congratulations on your decision to try to quit smoking!
First of all, it is important to note that Nicoderm releases 14mg of nicotine per hour and not per day :)
That being said, if you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, it is recommended to start with step 1 which releases 21mg/hour. A decrease to step 2 can be considered after 4 to 6 weeks depending on your condition
As for the vapourizer, it is difficult to determine with precision the quantity of nicotine released because this kind of product is not subject to standards for the moment... Could I suggest, as an alternative, lozenges, gums, or even a mouth spray to help manage the big cravings?
All of these products can be prescribed by your pharmacist, and possibly be reimbursed by your insurance, with the exception of the spray
I hope I've been helpful, so don't hesitate if you have any other questions! And good luck with the rest of the process!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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