I have been nauseated for a year?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
For more than a year and a half I have had unexplained nausea several times a day. It also happened to me during a period of time in my teenage years. Most of the time it is sams vomiting. Sensation of cramping of the diaphragm. Is this normal? Should I consult an Md? Is there anything I can do to make it go away?
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a day

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello Mrs., thank you for your question!
I suggest, to begin with, keeping a daily diary: you will write down the foods and the quantity consumed, as well as your activities and how you feel (stressed, tired, etc.) for 3-4 weeks. At the same time, you can record if you have experienced nausea and you will be able to evaluate if it is possible to associate your nausea with a food or event in your log.
If no cause can be found, I advise you to consult a physician for a thorough evaluation of your condition.
I hope I have helped you and remain available if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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