I have been having trouble sleeping since I started Rupall and training. Can Rupall or sports affect my sleep?

34-year-old womana year ago
Sleep disorder, I used to sleep between 8 and 9 hours and now about 5 hours. The change came when I started taking rupall for chronic idiopathic urticaria. At the same time as I started the treatment, I started to work out.
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43 minutes

Samantha Hui · a year ago
Rupall is mainly associated to sleepiness and fatigue, so it is unlikely to be the cause. Exercise could affect your sleep if you do it later in the evening or near bedtime. Overtraining can also affect the quality of your sleep.
A change in your sleep patterns can be multifactorial. If exercise does not seem to be the cause, then you should explore other possible causes in your lifestyle, such as diet, stress management, or your sleeping environment.
Hope to see you soon,
Samantha Hui, pharmacy student
Under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
34-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much.

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