What to do in case of a sprained ankle? Besides ice and immobilization?

30-year-old woman5 years ago
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an hour

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
In the event of a sprain (mild sprain), it's always worth seeing a physical therapist if possible. However, in the meantime, there are a few things you can do to avoid making the injury worse and promote proper healing. We'll go with the RICE method for the first 2-3 days after the injury.
R: rest (or rest). It is important to rest and not put too much weight and effort on the affected joint to promote healing. If movement hurts, we try to avoid it.
I: ice (or ice)in the inflammatory phase (first week), we want to put ice on to decrease the inflammatory response and reduce pain. We don't apply ice directly to the skin for example! We do it in 15 minute bursts every 2-3 hours.
C: compression. Compression bandages are used in an effort to reduce inflammation. Elastic bandages are preferred!
E: elevation. We want to keep the affected joint elevated to promote drainage of fluid (caused by inflammation) with the action of gravity!
If, despite all of these actions, the pain does not worsen or you do not notice any improvement, it is important to go for a consultation!
Good recovery!
Calin B (pharmacy student supervised by Alexander)

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