I ate some cheese that might be moldy, is it bad?

24-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello! I ate some raw shredded cheddar/mozarella cheese. It was dated May 22, 2022. However, a strange taste made me look at the color of my cheese. Everything was fine except for a grated cheese that was a little "moldy". I threw it away, but I think I ate an expired cheese just before looking.
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19 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
Just monitor your general condition for 1 to 2 days. Depending on the quantity you have consumed, most of the time a little temporary intestinal discomfort could occur but it is still rare.
As for the second part of your question, as a precaution I suggest not to consume the product if you have found mold.
Hoping to have been helpful, I remain available if there is anything
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
24-year-old woman · 2 years ago
I only ate one moldy grated cheese.
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, only watch for the next day, that after we could be reassured that nothing will happen :)

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