How much coffee does a wakeup pill equal?

54 -year-old man8 years ago
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2 hours

54 -year-old man · 8 years ago
I take them to stay awake at work, but I also take Redbulls, is it dangerous?
Isabelle Pelletier · 8 years ago
Hi, actually, in order to assess safety, you need to estimate the amount of caffeine consumed. One wake-up pill contains 100 mg of caffeine, which is about the equivalent of one coffee (the caffeine content of a coffee is quite variable, for example: 5 oz of filter coffee contains 60-125 mg of caffeine, 5 oz of soluble coffee contains 40-105 mg of caffeine, 2 oz of espresso contains 100 mg of caffeine, 12 oz of cola: 45 mg etc.) A moderate and safe consumption is estimated at 300 mg of caffeine per day maximum.... I therefore recommend that you check the amount of caffeine contained in Redbulls so that you can calculate your total caffeine consumption by adding a wake-up pill. The side effects related to an overdose of caffeine are: increased nervousness, tremor, insomnia, increased blood pressure and heart rate (pulse), etc... I hope I answer your question well, do not hesitate to contact me for more information, have a nice day!

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