What could be the cause? Does this mean my nerve has been damaged and I will need surgery? Or is this part of the nerve’s healing process?

21-year-old womana year ago
A little over 2 weeks ago, I was hospitalized and they did a blood draw (but it was hard for them to find my vein). They also inserted catheters in my arms for rehydration because I lost conscience due to alcohol. Afterwards, I had tinging in my fingers and hands (pins and needles) for about a week. Then my symptoms stopped for about a week, but it’s been a few days now that I have muscle weakness in my hand and fingers (it’s hard for me to move my fingers or to hold a pen, it doesn’t hurt but takes a lot of effort and I just feel weak, like a tickle feeling). The feeling comes and goes in hourly increments for 3 days now.
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Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Miss, I am sorry to read about your troubles, but the situation you are describing needs the attention of a doctor. In fact, only doctors can provide a diagnosis and I feel like we need one in this case.
I'm sorry I can't help you better right now, this situation goes beyond the scope of this platform.
Kind regards,
Tom Samaha, pharmacien

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