We can’t sleep at all because of chemotherapy pain. What we can do?

61 -year-old man3 years ago
My better half got insomnia because of the pain in legs and arms since tuesday (after chimio+immunotherapy + 2 Days w/8 mg cortisone/day) Needs sleep but the long day and night & sharp pain Don’t leave even after medication prescribed 2 Tylenol, 1mg Ativan, 1 mg diludid I know those are side effects of first session but... We are So much ... very Very tired ! Please, What we can do? [Names removed to ensure confidentiality]
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17 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello and thank you for your question, but the complexity of this case does not permit me to properly counsel you or your better half on the matter.
I strongly advise that you call her pharmacist. He.she possesses more information and will be better able to determine a treatment plan with you, as well as to follow up.
Sorry for not being able to be more helpful, this question simply goes beyond the scope of whaf can be addressed on this platform.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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