Is this normal? What can I do? I am really worried

43-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I am in withdrawal from mirtazapine, and for a few weeks I have been experiencing memory loss, attention problems, concentration problems. I often have word mix-ups in my sentences when I speak.
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9 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Good evening, the purpose of gradual withdrawal from a drug is to avoid as many withdrawal side effects as possible. It is normal to have symptoms as you describe when a dose is decreased, but they usually disappear quickly after a few days.
If the symptoms persist, it may be more prudent to take a step back and return to the previous slightly higher dose for a week or two, and then try to continue the withdrawal more gradually.
You can talk to your pharmacist to work out a withdrawal plan that works for you. If your situation worsens, it would then be more prudent to reconsult your doctor or your IPS.
Have a good evening.

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