Is it true that it is no longer necessary to have a blood test to measure cholesterol after age 75? If so, why?

81 -year-old man4 years ago
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12 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Sir,
It's true. In fact, it was realized that there was very, very little data on the benefit of measuring cholesterol after age 75, given that our mathematical models on which treatment and risk assessment recommendations (Framingham) are based are not very reliable for these people. Therefore, the level of risk for cholesterol-related complications in people 75 years and older is not known. Cholesterol is still harmful. So we continue to prevent, without testing.
So, people over 75 are advised to adopt good lifestyle habits, stay active, avoid smoking, eat fruits and vegetables, avoid saturated fats, adopt the Mediterranean diet if possible, but the "theoretical" impact of these measures will not be measured through a blood test.
Good evening :)
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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