What virus could it be, there are a lot of symptoms for a simple gastro? And what can relieve the abdominal pain from the gas?

32-year-old woman2 years ago
My spouse has been suffering from intense fatigue since Sunday. Fever (38.6) last night (Monday), shivering, nausea, he says he has body ache and headaches. During the night, vomiting and diarrhea appeared. However, the diarrhea did not stop during the day. He has little appetite. He hydrates a lot. He complains of stomach ache and has a lot of gas.
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17 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Mrs,
Unfortunately it is impossible to determine the exact cause of his symptoms, whether it is food poisoning, a virus or something else.
I am reassured that he is able to hydrate, I encourage him to drink a lot of liquids with a few sips every 5 minutes.
Taking Tylenol can help relieve stomach aches.
He should favor light foods such as soups, broths, toast with butter, eggs, crackers, etc. And avoid heavy or sweet foods such as red meat and undiluted fruit juices.
He should notice a gradual improvement of his symptoms every day.
I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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