I want to take tylenol for the flu at night. Or cold/sinus, I don't know if I'm allowed.

35-year-old woman4 years ago
I have a thyroid disease (hypothyroidism, hasimoto) recently, and I have just seen that I must consult before taking medication. Also, I am still breastfeeding my 13 month old child once a day.
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11 hours

Pierre Olivier Proulx · 4 years ago
for decongestants and breastfeeding there is not really a problem. The only problem is that some report a decrease in maternal milk production. To be monitored if you have problems in this sense.
For the thyroid problem, you have to be more vigilant. Decongestants have effects on the heart (increased heart rate). I imagine you are taking synthroid? (synthroid can cause an increase in heart rate especially at the beginning when adjusting the dose) So you have to be more vigilant if you are taking a decongestant, but it is not a contraindication.
Happy day
Pierre Olivier
35-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I am taking the synthroid, I will only take it to sleep in this case, and be vigilant.
Thank you and have a great day!

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