How much Lax-A-Day should I give my 9 month old baby?

32-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello my 9 month old baby is constipated (hard and dry stool, cries and gets red but nothing comes out) for 2 days now. . My question: how much to give? I read 1g per kg of weight but I don't have a scale. My daughter weighs 19lb.
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12 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Mrs,
First of all, you should give your child plenty to drink and encourage him to consume fibers such as sweet potatoes, fruits, vegetables, oat cereals, etc. This is the best way to soften the stool.
You should encourage your child to drink a lot, I suggest increasing the frequency of drinking, every 2 to 3 hours, even if it means giving smaller quantities at a time.
I also suggest doing exercises when she is on her back, such as bending her legs (making her knees touch her chest), cycling, and massaging her belly clockwise.
For constipation, PEG-3350 (LAX-A-DAY, Restoralax and other brands) can be given as a tasteless and odorless powder to be diluted in a small amount of any liquid to be drunk once a day. The amount of powder is given according to your child's weight, 1 gram of powder per kg of your child's weight
For a child weighing 19 pounds (8.5 kg), the dose would be 8.5 grams of powder. You can either ask your pharmacist how much this is, or you can give half the adult dose which is 17 grams and is usually indicated by a line or color code in the cap.
I hope this was helpful to you, please feel free if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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