My period is 4 days late, what should I do?

26-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, my period is 4 days late, my usual cycle is 32 days! I did a test and it was negative, I have pain in my lower abdomen and my lower abdomen looks swollen. I want some advice on what I can do! I wonder if I will ever get my period I'm just 24
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17 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
A delay in menstruation can occur without there necessarily being a problem. Sometimes an episode of illness (or vaccination), stress, fatigue or even a change in schedule can cause a disturbance as well, without it persisting.
This does not mean there is a problem, and it often goes away on its own.
If you have had unprotected sex since your last period, I suggest that you take a pregnancy test every 3-5 days or until your period comes.
I hope this helps, and I am available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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