A vein burst in my eye twice in 2 weeks. Is this a danger sign?

46-year-old woman6 years ago
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an hour

46-year-old woman · 6 years ago
To this day I have no illnesses. Good health no idea if I have a history I often have a headache and tired Thank you Claudiane
Maryam Alrifaee · 6 years ago
Hello, this condition is usually not dangerous. Several situations can cause a vein to burst in an eye (sneezing or coughing hard, vomiting, heavy physical effort). Sometimes, rubbing your eyes can even cause a vein to burst. This should return to normal within two weeks. My advice would be to rub your eyes gently if necessary. If you have had trauma to an eye (object or sharp blow) then it would be good to see your doctor or an optometrist. Otherwise, if you don't have pain in your eye (a slight stinging is normal), you don't need to see a health care professional right away. If it happens again, it is a good idea to see a doctor or optometrist at that time

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