Does she have any recommended or required vaccines? She has all her vaccines up to date

31-year-old womana year ago
We are leaving in 25 days for Guadeloupe with my 16 month old daughter.
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Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
Before going to Guadeloupe, it is advisable to have all your vaccines of the vaccination calendar up to date. If you have any doubts, you can ask your pharmacist to consult your vaccination record
It is also recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A from the age of 1 to go to Guadeloupe. The hepatitis A vaccine is scheduled in Quebec at 18 months. It is safe to administer the vaccine at 16 months
Therefore, I recommend that you consult your pharmacist so that he/she can prescribe the vaccine for your daughter. Please note that pharmacists cannot vaccinate children under 2 years of age for travel purposes. Therefore, you will have to check if a nurse offers vaccination services at your pharmacy, otherwise you will have to turn to the CLSC
I hope that I have answered your question correctly,
Louiza Lounas
Pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).

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