Tromboject and sclerodex: side effects

42-year-old woman7 years ago
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a day

42-year-old woman · 7 years ago
I received injections of these medications last Thursday. Multiple bruises and swelling appeared, I took Tylenol. The swelling has since disappeared but the leg pain remains. Saturday morning, I had trouble getting up, total lack of energy, heart palpitations, heartache, stomach pains, chills, low fever, feeling of micro tremors and muscle pains in my legs. I thought it was the beginning of a cold, but no cough or runny nose. I wonder if these symptoms are associated with these injections. Should I be concerned? I have no known allergies, I don't smoke, I take tricyclen. Thank you.
Naji-tom Samaha · 7 years ago
Side effects are always possible. If they are due to these products, they should be temporary, but I would ask you to contact your pharmacist to optimize the management of these side effects. I would ask you to contact your pharmacist to optimize the management of these side effects and, if necessary, to contact your physician to discuss them further

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