Hello, I am very tired, I have big head words and it hurts my eyes. I have heart words and a loss of appetite. What can I do?

46-year-old woman3 years ago
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10 minutes

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Hello, before starting I need to validate some information with you.
Does your headache come in spurts or is it continuous?
Is it only on one side of the head? On the back? On the forehead?
Have you tried anything to relieve it so far?
46-year-old woman · 3 years ago
It is continuous and only on the right side I took Tylenol and Advil that just decrease the pain
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
It really feels like a migraine. The typical symptoms of a migraine are
  1. Pain often present on one side only
  2. Sensitivity to light and/or noise
  3. May be accompanied by fatigue, nausea/vomiting
  4. Lasts approximately 12 to 72 hours depending on the patient
At this time, if you are having trouble getting relief with Tylenol and Advil, it may be worthwhile to take Naproxen. It's more potent and may give you better relief from your migraine. Gravol is also good for the associated nausea
To successfully soothe the current episode (in combination with the painkillers discussed above), I suggest you rest in a dark room, without noise or light, with cold water compresses where it hurts. This can help
to reduce the symptoms
Last questions, are you taking hormones? Did you have any warning symptoms before the pain started (temporary loss of vision with multicolored spots, etc.)?
46-year-old woman · 3 years ago
No, I don't take hormones. It's not the first time I've had migraines. But it's the first time I've not gone to work all week because of them. That I'm so tired. I noticed that when I get my period the next week I don't feel like crying for anything or anything makes me angry but this time I was very tired with migraines. No I did not lose my vision. My vision is fine, no warning signs.
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Thank you for the clarification. It could be that the migraines are hormonal in nature, that is, they are associated with your period. A real migraine is very disabling indeed
I was asking you these questions because the presence of warning symptoms (called a migraine aura) is a contraindication to taking hormones. So that part is taken care of
Eventually, you will need to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. This doesn't mean that you're going to get migraines every time you have a period. However, a treatment prescribed by the doctor could "break" a migraine when it happens. It allows you to have a migraine that lasts less time and that is less disabling as well. I suggest that you go for a consultation once this episode is over
46-year-old woman · 3 years ago
While I am waiting to see my doctor can you prescribe me something for my migraines please
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
I'll see what I can do to help you. First I need to assess you properly
46-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Can I have the medication delivered and is it possible to have stronger than Advil? Can I have Tylenol as well?
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
No problem. I'll send you a link to make an appointment for a video consultation. I need to create a file for you and ask you the usual questions in order to send you what you need
I am available now. So you can take a 10:45 or 11:00 slot and I will log in immediately. A zoom link will automatically be created and I can get you into the consultation.
46-year-old woman · 3 years ago
10:45 am is not available it just starts at 3 pm
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Here is a Zoom link directly: ---------------------------------------

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