I still have symptoms after treatment for vaginosis?

41-year-old womana year ago
Following a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis and the 7 day treatment many of the symptoms have disappeared but my bladder is still irritated and I still have discomfort and redness. I am going back to the gynecologist. In the meantime the pharmacist gave me fluconazol but I don't know if it will change anything
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Resistance to metronidazole is quite rare and unlikely, although not impossible. Usually a treatment failure requires a re-evaluation of the diagnosis and I am reassured that you have an appointment soon. However, vaginosis or vaginitis does not really cause irritation to the bladder, the infection usually remains local to the vagina.
I hope I have been helpful to you and I am available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
41-year-old woman · a year ago
Indeed, an appointment with a general practitioner tomorrow.
the gynecologist told me that the VB could irritate the bladder. Now the BV seems to be cured because no symptoms. But the bladder irritation remains. I am firmly convinced that it is related to vaginal secretions. After a lot of tests ITSS included nothing seems to cause my irritations. Everything is negative. The urologist wants to see me once all the tests are completed with the gynecologist. I'm getting worried because no one can find my ailment. The worst it can be is interstitial cystitis, but the discomfort goes away when I take a hot bath. However, I still have discomfort in my vagina as well. It is less intense, but still present. To be investigated further..
thank you for your reply
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information, I am sorry for the delay in my response, I had not seen the notification!
I am reassured that you are currently being followed by several doctors. Considering the persistence of your symptoms, I believe that the situation must be re-evaluated.

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