I have a cough, sore throat, swollen glands, voice loss and a headache. What should I do?

29-year-old womanil y a 2 ans
I have a cough, a sore throat, swollen glands, a loss of voice and a headache.
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11 heures

Naji-tom Samaha · il y a 2 ans
Hello Mrs,
In order to better advise you, would it be possible to obtain the following information:
When did you first notice this?
Do you have other symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose, even a little?
Have you tried anything for this?
Are you taking any other medications right now?
Do you have any known allergies or intolerances or contraindications? Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant or are you breastfeeding?
Naji-tom Samaha · il y a 2 ans
I have not received any feedback from you.
I invite you to contact your pharmacist directly for a consultation tailored to your needs.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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