Would it be possible to skip my dose of antidepressant for an important event with alcohol ?

29-year-old womana year ago
Hi, I am taking Efexor Venlafaxine 150mg since 6 months now. I know I can't drink alcohol as I take the medicine. I have a wedding tomorrow, can I exceptionally not take the venlafaxine for a day to be able to have a drink or two (I am not a big drinker anyway)? Thank you very much
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an hour

29-year-old woman · a year ago
I don't see the message I previously shared here so I re-write it.
I take Efexor 150mg since 6 month and I have a wedding. I wish not to take it for a day in order to be able to have some drinks (I am not a bit drinker anyway but it's a wedding so I would like to be able to share some glass with my friends)
Can I or it will have bad effects with my body as I am under treatment anyway ?
Thank you
Millie Yee · a year ago
In general, we avoid alcohol as much as possible when we are on an antidepressant. However, you can generally take a drink or two while not needing to skip the dose of the day.
I hope this answers your question,
Millie Yee, Pharmacy Student
Under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon
29-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much for your quick reply :)
Millie Yee · a year ago
You’re welcome!

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