I have a spot that appeared on my breast, it is flat and brown (the same color as the areola). Should I be worried?

38-year-old woman3 years ago
I have just noticed a spot appearing on my left breast. I am a smoker, I gave birth 10 months ago and I am still breastfeeding my child.
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43 minutes

Alexandre Chagnon Β· 3 years ago
Hello! A few more questions... 😊
  1. Where on your breast is the blotch and approximately how big is it?
  2. Is it an area that is frequently exposed to the sun?
  3. Do you have freckles or moles elsewhere on your body?
Veronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist)
Alexandre Chagnon Β· 3 years ago
I would add a 4th question... Does the stain sting or hurt?
Veronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern
38-year-old woman Β· 3 years ago
Hello. To answer your questions:
- I would say it is located 1 cm from the breast areola ( upwards)
- No the spot is never exposed to the sun
- No I don't have a freckle or moles
- No it doesn't sting or hurt
38-year-old woman Β· 3 years ago
Thank you in advance for your response
Alexandre Chagnon Β· 3 years ago
Thank you for your responses.
Hormones, especially during or after pregnancy, can do many things! Progesterone and estrogen, among other things, stimulate melanin production by the skin. This can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin in certain areas. These hyperpigmentations are brown in color and not raised, which is what you describe.
Since we are not sure when the spot appeared, it makes the circumstances of onset a little more unclear. However, since it's a spot that's never exposed to the sun, it's much less concerning. 😎
So for now, I'm not worried about it. I would still recommend that you keep an eye on the progress of the stain. If you see it change in appearance (shape, color, elevation, size, etc), I recommend you see the doctor for a physical exam.
I hope this gives you some guidance. Please feel free if I can help you further 😊
Veronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern
Alexandre Chagnon Β· 3 years ago
Thank you for your responses.
Hormones, especially during or after pregnancy, can do many things! Progesterone and estrogen, among other things, stimulate melanin production by the skin. This can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin in certain areas. These hyperpigmentations are brown in color and not raised, which is what you describe.
Since we are not sure when the spot appeared, it makes the circumstances of onset a little more unclear. However, since it's a spot that's never exposed to the sun, it's much less concerning. 😎
So for now, I'm not worried about it. I would still recommend that you keep an eye on the progress of the stain. If you see it change in appearance (shape, color, elevation, size, etc), I recommend you see the doctor for a physical exam.
I hope this gives you some guidance. Please feel free if I can help you further 😊
Veronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern
38-year-old woman Β· 3 years ago
Very well thank you for your responsiveness.
Alexandre Chagnon Β· 3 years ago
It makes me happy, have a nice day😊

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