After a blow to my leg, 3 weeks later I still have a lump and pain. What should I do?

24-year-old woman4 years ago
I had a bruise for 1 week, it disappeared but I still have no sensation to the touch.
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8 hours

Cyntia Théberge · 4 years ago
For some people, the pain and sensitivity can take a few weeks before it completely goes away.
If you do not have any known health problem (ex: diabetes, circulation problems, etc.) I would advise you to observe the evolution of your pain for another week or two and if the pain and sensitivity symptoms persist, I would consult a doctor.
In the meantime, if the pain is so bad that you need to take a medication, acetaminophen or ibuprofen would be good choices to help you, making sure that you have no contraindications (taking medication, health problems, allergies, pregnancy).
I hope that I have answered your question correctly!
With pleasure

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