Are my night sweats due to my Effexor or the IUD? Is there anything I can do to reduce them?

30-year-old woman2 years ago
I live daily with hot flashes and very heavy night sweats. I take antidepressants (Effexor) and I have a Mirena IUD.
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10 minutes

vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
Hello, are you able to tell me how long you have been taking the 2 medications and how long the night sweats have been going on?
vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
At first glance, venlafaxine is the main agent causing excessive sweating. This is common at doses above 75mg
This side effect can be reduced by lowering the dose, discontinuing the medication, or changing the medication. Adding a small dose of another medication may help.
In any case, a discussion with your pharmacist is necessary

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