I have a copper IUD (mona lisa 5) and a delay in menstruation. When should I be concerned?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have had my copper IUD for two months now (December). Before that, I was on the contraceptive pill for almost 10 years with a regular cycle of 4-5 days of periods. Since I had my IUD inserted, I had my first period in January and it followed my cycle on the pill, 28 days after the insertion; it just lasted 2 days longer than usual. Where I am concerned is that I am "late" by 4 days at the moment (I am on my 32nd cycle day since my last period started). I know that for the first three to six months after I have a copper IUD, or even for the first year, my period may fluctuate and be abnormal. But is it normal for the cycle to get longer? At what point should I be concerned about a delay in menstruation with a hormone-free IUD? Thank you very much!
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
Yes, you can have delays like this and it can be very normal.
Your period may not even occur at all during this cycle. This is nothing to worry about.
If you don't have a period for 3 consecutive months, then a doctor is consulted. We consult more quickly if you develop a stomachache or fever.
Happy day :)
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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