Is the spotting just a warning sign of my period in addition to my other symptoms or does it require a consultation?

23-year-old woman2 years ago
Since Wednesday the 15th I have been having spotting when I wipe, I don't need a pad or tampon, but my lower back hurts and my lower stomach feels uncomfortable. My breasts also hurt since March 10. I'm wondering if this is normal, just a sign that I'll be on my period soon or if it could be something else considering I've never spotted, like a miscarriage or something. I'm not on birth control and I had unprotected sex on March 4 & 5. It's hard for me to say when I'm ovulating or when I'll start menstruating considering my cycle is not regular and sometimes lasts 36 like 58 days, but I'm currently on my day 37.
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23-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Since Wednesday, I've been having light bleeding when I wipe. Nothing to fill a tampon or a towel. Also, my lower back hurts and my lower belly feels uncomfortable. The bleeding is quite dark brown, sometimes quite pink. I am not on birth control and I had unprotected sex on March 4&5. It's hard for me to tell when I'm ovulating or when my period will be, since my cycle is irregular and lasts between 36 and 60 days. I am currently on day 37. I never have spotting usually. Note that my breasts are also very sensitive since March 10. I am wondering if this is just the beginning of my period or if it could be a sign of miscarriage/pregnancy or something else.
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, first of all, did you take a pregnancy test?
23-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Yes this morning and it was negative. I don't know if it might be too early to get a reliable result, in any case the intensity and color of my "period" is very different than usual.
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thanks for the information!
It can happen without indicating any problems, for example following an episode of illness (or vaccination), stress, fatigue, change of schedule or even without any detectable reason.
The appearance and volume of your period may also fluctuate over time, and you may have even mentioned spotting. In the absence of other symptoms and with a negative pregnancy test, just monitor the situation and take a pregnancy test every 3 days or until your period occurs.
I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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