I have been having a lot of nausea since I started taking effexor. What can I take other than gravol (still not working)?

33-year-old womana year ago
Hello. I have been taking effexor for anxiety for 3 months which works very well for my anxiety but often causes me to feel a little nauseous for several days unfortunately
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an hour

Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
It is normal to feel nausea at the beginning of treatment with Effexor or when you increase the dose. In general, the side effects disappear after a few weeks of taking the same dose.
I advise you to limit the use of Gravol. You should not take a drug to treat the side effects of another drug. It is better to solve the problem at the source.
In order to reduce nausea, I suggest that you take the treatment by eating. If the nausea persists after a few weeks (1 to 3 depending on your tolerance), I suggest that you consult your pharmacist to try to decrease the dose. This will help your tolerance to the medication. You can then increase the dose again
I hope I have answered your question correctly,
Louiza Lounas
Pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).
33-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you! But I remembered that I had forgotten a dose a few days ago. Can it be that even if it lasts a few days the nausea?
Louiza Lounas · a year ago
There is little chance that forgetting to takeone dose only is unlikely to cause nausea.
Do not hesitate if you have any other questions!
Louiza Lounas
Pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).

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