I am unable to eat and drink?

29-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, since yesterday noon, I am unable to eat. It creates a blockage very high in my stomach. I have an intense burning sensation and a pain (in my chest) I had so much pain that I vomited white foam. What can I do to relieve this? Should it go away? How can I ingest something to ease the burning if it hurts?
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a day

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Mrs
In order to better understand the situation, would it be possible to know if you have tried anything for this, and if you are taking other medications?
If you are unable to eat or drink anything for more than a day, you should see a doctor quickly.
Thank you
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
I have not heard back from you. I advise you to contact a health professional directly for a consultation tailored to your needs.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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