My daughter has a fever, a stuffy nose and a cough?

42-year-old woman3 years ago
Hi, my 29 month old daughter had a fever on Thursday night, Friday all day and Saturday evening only. Sunday she was ok, but her nose started to run in the evening. Monday congestion and cough. In the night of Monday to Tuesday a lot of cough, rather fatty which prevents her from sleeping. Congestion too. I do sinus rinses for him. I have given her Prospan Helixia syrup a few times and it doesn't help. Is there any way to relieve her, especially so she can sleep at night?
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20 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
You did the right thing by starting your nasal hygiene with saline water. This is the most effective for the symptoms you describe, including coughing! It should be done as often as desired during the day, there is no maximum! However, I suggest to do it at least 30 minutes before bedtime to avoid that the little remnants of saline water irritate the throat when she goes to bed.
There is also a menthol-based ointment that can be applied to the chest and back in the evening to help relieve some of the congestion. Your pharmacist will show you which product is safe for your age. I also suggest using a humidifier (at 30-40%) if the air in his room is very dry (for example if you have air conditioning, which dries the air a lot).
And in relation to the Helixia, you can stop it, given the
lack of efficiency according to your description of the case.
Hope this helps, don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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