How do I relieve or loosen my jaw?

22-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, for the past two days I have had the impression that my jaw is locked, stuck or displaced. I have always had my jaw crack when I yawn, when I eat or when I open my mouth too wide but I have never had any pain. When it usually gets stuck I crack it a little and it goes back. However, for the last two days I have had difficulty opening my mouth to eat, it is a little painful and I have a strange sensation on this side of my jaw, as if it was stretched. I try to "reposition" it but it doesn't work. I have already talked about it with my dentist and after x-rays he told me that everything was fine, that my jaw was more sensitive than some. Only since two days it is more disturbing than usual.
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Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question! If it hasn't been tried, I would be tempted to suggest a painkiller +relaxant like Robaxacet. Your pharmacist will not be able to tell you the exact dose depending on the product chosen. However, if it becomes recurrent or more frequent, you should consult a doctor, as a precaution.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
22-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for your advice! I haven't tried it so I will go for it. Some people tell me about wisdom teeth? I know I have 4 of them, they are impacted and need to be removed within the next year. However, I have no pain in my teeth or gums. I don't feel any pressure or the sensation of a tooth pushing out, I really feel like it's muscular and just in my jaw! I have often had toothache or gum sensitivity and now it is really different. Thank you
Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Usually, wisdom teeth are removed if they are causing pain or if they are encroaching on other teeth, so that the jaw can be affected
However, your dentist would have informed you if this was noticed during his or her examination.

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