My exclusively breastfed baby has not had a bowel movement for several days?

30-year-old womana year ago
My baby hasn't pooped in several days. He urinates (I change his diapers every 2-3 hours), but it's been about a week since he had a stool. He is exclusively breastfed.
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Mrs,
Has your child had zero bowel movements in the last 7 days, or has he had some but very little? Exactly how many days has it been since he/she had a bowel movement? How old is your baby?
30-year-old woman · a year ago
Hello Naji-Tom,
my baby finally pooped today (yay!). I don't know exactly how many days it has been, but 7 or more. He had zero before that. His stool looked the same as usual: yellowish and liquid (he is exclusively breastfed).
Anyway, is this normal?
If this happens again, what can I do to help him?
Thank you for your help!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information, I'm sorry for the delay in my response, I hadn't seen the notification!
I am reassured to read you!
First of all, since he is exclusively breastfed, you need to give your child a lot to drink to soften his stools.
You will have to encourage your child to drink a lot. I suggest increasing the frequency of drinking, every 2 to 3 hours, even if it means giving smaller quantities at a time.
I also suggest doing exercises when he is on his back, such as bending his legs (making his knees touch his chest), cycling, and massaging his belly clockwise.
I hope this has been helpful to you, so please feel free to ask any other questions you may have!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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