Are there any solutions at the pharmacy to cure a posthitis that won't go away?

29 -year-old man3 years ago
Hello, I think I have posthitis. For more than 3 months, I have had a vein inside my foreskin that seems to be more swollen than usual. I have phases where the foreskin is very irritated, sometimes swollen. When I go to the bathroom I have urine drops that come out 5 minutes after I finish. Sexual intercourse is difficult because of the friction which is uncomfortable. I went to see a doctor and he prescribed clotrimaderm, but it was not successful. I went back to see him and he prescribed a cortisone cream, without success either. On my side I tried polysporin and essential oils of theier, but I have no cure again. The doctor wouldn't prescribe me anything else because he says it's not an infection. The situation has been dragging on for months I want a return to normal.
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a day

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello Sir!
Sorry to read about your troubles! The important thing with posthitis is to treat the cause of the inflammation. If treatments have been tried without success, it is recommended to consult your doctor again. If this is beyond his or her expertise, he or she may refer you to dermatology or urology.
Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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